Our clients had turned off the water to the lawn two years ago and were trying to figure out how to grow native plants and a low-water landscape.

This fall we transformed this front yard into a water-harvesting dry and native garden. The whole front was re-graded, rain water catching swale was dug and a retaining wall added to keep runoff out of the neighbors.

Weed fabric was put down under the rock, so there’s hardly any future maintenance. They will hand water the plants with water from rain barrels collecting rain from the roof until they are established, and from then on it will only need water in the driest of times.

We were so excited to hand this one over. Our happy clients called it

“A piece of art”

A 2 Day Transformation

From a barren patch, to a sustainable and beautiful walk to the front door.

Water-harvesting modern front yard


The creek filled with the first big rain! It works as designed, sinking the water to feed the plants and preventing runoff into the ocean.


A Mediterranean retreat