New Fine Gardening Service

Design clients always ask me if I know a better gardener to take care of their fresh new landscapes. So I finally decided to provide that service myself! I’ve partnered with a great horticulturalist team and we are taking on new clients in the South Orange County area.

If you are looking for an alternative to the ‘Mow & Blow’ approach to garden maintenance we offer a specialty hand-pruning service. Fine gardening is a service that is sorely needed in southern California. We love to rehabilitate over- pruned gardens back to a natural look.

Professionally trained in proper pruning techniques for the health of the plants. If you have a prized rose garden or small fruit trees, we can give them a seasonal pruning to increase production.

We believe in ‘leaving the leaves’ as natural mulch, it’s the best fertilizer for your plants. It’s still possible to maintain a tidy look while not blowing away all that good topsoil.

We only use organic and non-toxic pest control, focusing on prevention with worm casings and compost.

Only taking on a select number of pruning clients ensures quality service. Usually a quarterly schedule is set up after an initial re-hab.

We can also re-design planters and beds for maintenance clients, and refer out for irrigation or other trades. There is no charge for maintenance consultations.

Professional houseplant care is also available. We have 10+ years experience in indoor plant care and design, orchid arrangements and flower bowls.


Roundup should be pulled off the shelves


Sierra Club Presentation