Desert Oasis, An Arizona Front Yard

Next up an Arizona inspired courtyard! Since I grew up near Phoenix I immediately knew how to create that Arizona look. We had a Palo Verde in the front yard after all.

This design is going to capture water from the roof and sink it into the soil to water all year round. We have a California native section for the pollinators as well, in case they don't like cactus flowers =) This design is next up for installation with the contractor. I can’t wait to see it finished.

courtyard desert landscape design. rain gutter garden orange county designer

I have been using this digitally hand drawn method of landscape design. I like the freedom and descriptive style I can get drawing with an an apple pen. It doesn’t have that crisp CAD look. But plants are wiggly and imperfect in real life.

Desert frontyard design by sweetgrass gardens orange county

I often make these quick collage design concept images to get an idea of what the plants will look like in a space. These are mostly for my own design process, but I do share them with the client to give them a visual idea of the fully grown yard. The program is a little clunky, but the ability to quickly convey the finished look works for me, without spending hours on a 3d program.

desert frontyard design with lighting design by sweetgrass gardens southern california

Adding lighting design is super fun. Why enjoy a new landscape only in the day? We have great weather here in Southern California, so why not stroll the garden at night by adding just a few downlights on your paths.

#PollinatorHaven #GardenMakeover #XeriscapeDesign #SoCalSustainability #SustainableLandscapes #CaliforniaNatives #SoCalGardens #WaterWiseLandscapes #GreenHomeDesign #DroughtTolerantGardens #SoCalLandscapes #WaterWiseDesign #DroughtResistantDesign #SmartIrrigation #landscaperorangecounty #orangecountyca #NativeGardenDesign #LowWaterGardens #SoCalLandscaping #socalgardener #ClimateResilientGardens #WaterConservation #Xeriscaping #nativepollinatorgarden #outdoorliving #landscape #gardenerorangecounty #gardeneroc #lawnreplacement #gardendesigneroc


Summer garden to do list.


Spring garden to do list for Southern California.